Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

In the course of years face changes. Skin becomes thinner, its tonus and elasticity decrease, mimic muscles become weaker and gravitation forces soft facial tissues to "drop down". There is a formation of folds and deep wrinkles; face looses clear contours, which were in the youth, and looks tired. Addictions, stress, big or immediate weight fluctuations and excessive sunbathing accelerates premature ageing. A surgery of face and neck lifting is performed to stop the processes of facial ageing.

Flash facts

  • Duration of the surgery: 2-4 hours.
  • Anaesthesia: general anaesthesia (narcosis).
  • Surgery: skin incisions are made according to the line of hair growth, in the temporal area, around the ears and in the coronal area. A transposition of tissues is performed. The tissues are taken back to their area and excess skin is removed. The layers of the subcutaneous fatty and muscular tissues are reinforced; if necessary, sebum suction is performed. Aesthetically harmonious facial contours are restored. 
  • Post-operative period:
    • Patients stay twenty-four hours in the the surgery department after the surgery.
    • One week after the surgery patients require intensive care, they wear special garment. During the first days after surgery intense swelling and bruising occur. They decrease gradually. Sutures are removed after 5-7 days.
    • 3-4 weeks after the surgery, when the swelling and bruising relieve, patients can return to their daily activities and use their cosmetics.
    • Tissues around the incisions at first are reddish, later they gradually become paler.
    • Approximately one year later the scars become almost unobservable.
  • Real results are observable 6 months after the surgery.
Appointments Appointments

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