
BEAUTY WORLD clinic in Kaunas is a unique practice incorporating ultra-modern dermatology and aesthetic medicine with other main medical disciplines in a platform that offers patients the most advanced skin and general health care anywhere. Our team of  physicians and specialists include certified plastic surgeons, dermatologists, otorhinolaryngologists, gynecologists, cosmetologists, kinesiotherapists, certified laser specialists and other professionals. We provide a full range of plastic surgeries and procedures in both medical and aesthetic dermatology, ENT surgeries, diagnostic tests, all laboratory examinations, consultations with other specialists, facial and body procedures and treatments and professional skin care products. Surgeries are performed in modern operating theatres in Kardiolita . The clinic is located in modern premises and comply accordingly with all requirements for medical institutions. The state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure features the highest quality of the services. And our highly trained and dedicated team is fully committed to each patient’s ageless beauty and total well-being. 

plastikos chirurgas chirurgai Mindaugas Kazanavicius akiu voku operacija operacijos akiu voku riebalu riebalu nusiurbimas persodinimas krutu krutu didinimas pakelimas krutines kaune Mindaugas Kazanavičius

Plastic surgeon

rinoplastika nosies plastikos chirurgas chirurgai LOR Giedrius Gylys plastine operacija nosies pertvara kaunas septopastika nosies pertvara ausu operacija klausos tyrimai Dr. Giedrius Gylys

Doctor otorhinolaryngologist

moteru slapimo moteru slapimo nelaikymas nelaikymo gydymas gydytoja akusere ginekologe maksties maksties atstatymas sausumas vaginos siaurinimas stangrinimas lazeriu kaunas kaune Didona Vilkinienė


LPG lpg masazas masazas proceduros kaune kaunas celiulito gydymas anticeliulitinis liekninantis ivyniojimas ivynojimai nuo celiulito velashape kaina atsiliepimai klinika grozio pasaulis AURIKA PUSINSKE

Aesthetic Medicine Specialist

rinoplastika nosies plastikos chirurgas chirurgai LOR tonzilektomija plastika korekcija plastine operacija tiesinimas galiuko kaina kaunas septopastika pertvara kauno kaune angina Vilma Čičelytė



Partizanų g. 26 B, Kaunas, Lithuania
Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius, Lithuania

+370 37 313 900 
+370 646 10600

I-V 9 am – 7 pm
VI 9 am – 2 pm

Appointments Appointments

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